Sunday, January 13, 2013


What happens when you give two children cameras on a mid-winter afternoon hike through Wildwood Park? This happens: 268 new photos (a great many of which are of the ground and/or a certain child's sparkly light-up sneakers) and two dead camera batteries. It's amazing to me that, in a seemingly empty, dormant landscape, children are able to find amazement and images worth preserving. When I asked V. why she was taking so many photos, she said, "I just can't stop Mom! Nature is too beautiful!"



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. She is so precious! What a great example you are setting for her, Mel. :) I love your photos, too.

  3. Thanks Brigette. It was hard to choose from the 268 photos ;-)

  4. Haha, I loved her response to you asking why she was taking so many photos. And the pictures you posted did capture some great things! 268 is quite a number...I was always quite partial to sparkly shoes so I'm glad they made a documented appearance.
