Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Presently the Floods Break Way

The New River can be seen in the background
Bisset Park is reopened (though many of us had been using it anyway) after the epic January flooding, and on Sunday we took Petie & Pepper to the dog park there for the first time since. While the city has cleared away all the debris, it's stunning to see how much the landscape has been altered; the paved and grass-covered riverway park resembles a sandy coastal beach. It's still unclear how much blame exists beyond that of the weather, but one thing is clear: it could be a very long time before the landscape will be the same, if ever.

For now, though, The Girls are enjoying playing in the sand.


  1. Wow, sand where there used to be grass is a big change. Did birds used to feed on or in the grass? Sand, so far inland always makes me curious. The shores of the Great Lakes are sandy--I don't know why that surprises me so much, but it does.

    Your girls look so cute, and they look very different: one in pastels and one with a skeleton sweatshirt.

  2. The place where the girls are playing is right underneath a birdhouse (where, last I checked, the horrible swallows had displaced the Eastern bluebird pair that had been using it), but I do think that birds often use that area for feeding. I know someone here who studies birds, so I should ask her if this change will impact the local populations at all, especially of the ground feeders. I ran today and did see plenty of robins, but they were all in areas that were farther away from the river and didn't get all that sand. Interestingly, the flooding doesn't appear to have impacted a lot of plants I would have thought: there's tons of daffodils coming up.

    My daughters are incredibly different, as you can tell. But the one in skeleton sweatshirt (the hood of which has a Mohawk, which she loves) is plenty happy to play with her sister and her My Little Pony figures too :-)
